A few weeks ago my toenail finally came off from the motorcycle accident. As the weeks went by it began to heal and was not so bad (well, for Balinese feet standards), but the USA would be a different story—no sandals for me. Yesterday, when walking back into the kitchen with my kopi, my little cat was weaving in and out of my feet as I went to step over the 4" carved wooden door jam (which is rather stupid and dangerous). Trying to avoid crushing her, my foot caught on the jam and I tumbled through the door onto the stone kitchen floor, with my toe taking most of the impact. Crying, I managed to limp out of the kitchen but not without noticing that most of the kopi was still in the cup as I broke my fall with my hands—how odd is that!?!
After having to put my head between my legs because I thought I was going to throw up, I took a handful of Ibuprofin and whimpered on the couch for the rest of the morning. Finally the pain subsided and then it began to swell and turn blue. At first we thought it was broken, but I could eventually bend it so it is just really, really badly bruised and...
...it is really really not pretty.
This LOOKS and SOUNDS like a seriously painful injury. YIKES!! I hope you recover with SPEED!!
Painful story, but nice illustration of it!
So sorry, but the colors of your toe are magnificent!!
Oh dear, oh dear! Hope you are feeling OK now. Pity it took an accident to make such a good sketch ...
Broken bones cannot be defined by ---"OH, I can move it! So, it is not broken.
Proof! PBR bull riders. One of the Bull fighters that keeps the bulls off the riders when they jump off the Bulls? You can see him on tape walking around - trying to walk it off. His back was broken. He is not the only one.
Have an x-ray please. How is kitty? Kopi knew you needed it. Beautiful painting on your toe. Love the purple bruise. Sorry about the accidents.
((( Circle of His Healing Angels descend)))
Sherrie Roberts
OH NO!!! that looks like it hurt BIG time.... take care of yourself...
OOooh, nooooooooo, Jennifer! It MUST have been painful, though beautifully captured on paper. I'm so sorry...I love my animals, but they do things like that to me, too. SCARY.
I love the cat peeping out from behind your bruise foot--even in your pain you find whimsy!!
My cat and dog are always trying to trip me up too. I think my dog wants to push me down the stairs.
Hope you are pain-free soon!
Jennifer, Jennifer, I think you need a helmet, knee/elbow pads and steel boots on at all times - Not pretty, not fun - but hey your hands are ok and you can still sketch ;-)(Great sketch!!) Thanks for sharing - and I think keeping a full cup "no matter what" is a sailor trait! (my Maine sailor boy can - and does ;-)
Ouch, Jennifer! That is one spectacular bruise. Hope you feel better soon.
Oh, how horrible -- your sketch even makes me wince in pain! I'm so sorry (but the documentation is excellent!) Heal quickly!
Oh, you poor thing. You did a great job of painting this! I hope it heals up quickly--can you wrap anything around it to protect it??
Oh NO! Your poor, poor toe. I am guessing you are just not destined to have sandals this year!!!
...and through it all being the trooper that she is...she sits down to paint the incident...but of course!!! :) Be well!
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