I kept hearing my noisy little cat meowing, but when I called to her she didn't appear. The meows seemed to become louder and more desperate as I realized her cries were coming from the villa next door. Why wasn't she just climbing up the high wall like she always does? I was going to have to figure out where she was and that would only mean one thing, "the ladder". This ladder leans against the garden wall and is made from two bamboo poles and rickety rungs all lashed together with yellow boating rope. So, nervously, I climb to the top rung and peered over the wall. There in my neighbors outdoor shower was my cat surrounded by nothing but tile. There was no way she was going to be able to climb out. So in my best Indonesian, I explained to my neighbors Balinese housekeeper that my cat was trapped in their shower. Meowing loudly, she scurried out when we opened the door. I scooped her up, took her home and told her to stay...
Silly kitty! I love your sketch, as always, though...
The ladder would have me shaking!
It's a nice sketch, but I was trying to understand your Bahasa...
"Oh-no, I not using old ladder, I will..."
I am glad the cat's fine :)
Poor kitty -- glad you rescued her!
And it must be wonderful living someplace where people have outdoor showers. That sounds fantastic!
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