I decided to try Karin Jurick's Different Strokes for Different Folks challenge for the second time. This one was hard, well they all are for me, because she posted a black and white image and we had to make up the color. I got all screwed up on the proportions (silos to hills in background) and lost track of the layers going back in the distance. I also reduced the amount of the sky from the original photograph because I wasn't ready to tackle that, but I did try wetting the paper for the first time to create a subtle sky tone after consulting a few books I brought with me. On top of all this I am in Bali painting Pennsylvania. How weird is that!?!
Very weird! ;-)
The white roofs are brilliant--they sparkle. And your colors choices work well:: it looks just like PA.!
Great job on this challenge. Love the colors.
Yeah, quite weird - but hey, wierd is in the eye of the beholder??! Love the warm mother Earth patchwork you envisioned. and the farm fits in perfectly! And I can imagine your Bali sky as I sit here in Bethel Maine facing Sunday River Ski slopes sipping my coffee! Cheers!
Looks like you captured the moment in Pennsylvania, even if you are sitting under a palm tree. Bali! You are one lucky girl!
and I am in Pennsylvania wishing I was in Bali (or painting Bali...) You captured the colors and feeling of PA. I am happy to see another watercolor artist!
An absolutely beautiful job, Jennifer. Great technique.
really beautiful work, Jennifer.
Very well done, Jennifer! Strong watercolor.
I think you did a super job, Jennifer! It must have felt very odd to be bring Pennsylvania fields to life on your paper, in the midst of tropical Bali!
I'm looking forward to our August adventure!
very nice crop and your colors are wonderful
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