Well, it seems I'm in luck because of Section 2.2 of the Bylaws of the Condominium Association which states that only the Board of Directors can manage and enforce condo rules. It just so happens, that mom and I live in the largest unit on the top floor with my good friend Jerry, who is a member of the board and happens to be the majority owner in the building. So for now, I am safe—whew! But lately, I have been reprimanded when barking at the mean neighbor. Mom even swatted my behind this morning—OUCH!
When I heard the news, I stood on my hind legs and flapped my front paws up and down. You see, I am part Bichon Frise and we can do that. It works especially well when I do it in a store because they will usually give me a treat.
I'm off to take a nap...