"Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind" (Seneca)
I will be leaving for Bali in January and not returning to the USA until mid July—6 months, my longest time away. Sophie will be staying with my parents near San Francisco sharing the love with a Cockapoo named Freddie Brown. She will be well cared for "out there having fun in that warm California sun". However, we have to get there first...

This is Sophie in her new carrier and as you can see she really doesn't care for it. This is the airline regulation under-the-seat carrier for a pet up to 22 lbs—really? It barely seems big enough for her and she only weighs 13 lbs. They say to put the pet in the carrier so they get used to it, but I know she will never get used to this tiny carrier so why torment her. Everyday, I do toss a few treats in the carrier and she has to go in to get them. A good time and tasty, but she is suspect...
"There are only two emotions in a plane: boredom and terror" (Orson Welles)