On Saturday afternoon, May 29th, before I was able to finish drawing and posting my Every Day in May challenge, I came down with a bug—chills and fever put me to bed and I slept for 14 hours. On Sunday, thinking I was better, I ventured out and then collapsed again that night with a high fever. On Monday, though I felt better, I went to the doctor (in a foreign country!!!) and was told I had a temperature of 38c. Being from the USA, I had no idea what the Fahrenheit equivalent was to that number, but I went home with something to reduce the fever and antibiotics for all the other bad stuff.
I am finally feeling better and the Every Day in May challenge completed.
I'm glad you're feeling better! Ick...
Loved the temple sketches...
Hope you're well on the mend. I've loved following the Every Day in May
challenge. Great job!
Hope you are feeling better now. Your drawing looks like someone who is not feeling well, all curled up in the comfort of their bed!
I'm glad you are feeling better now! How awful that sounds. I have really enjoyed following your EDinM sketches - they are all so wonderful.
Glad you are feeling better. This is a great sketch to remember it by even if you'd really rather forget.
Great work...I'm relly enjoying the Bali theme
Sorry to hear you were ill but glad to hear that you are better
Sorry to hear you've been ill, a temperature over 39° is very high.
I really liked your sketches especially the dragon fruit(completely new to me!) and the cat.
Hope you are feeling better. I love the way your feet are out of the bed, so important in a hot country to keep your feet cool.
Congratulations on finishing EDiM, I've really loved all your paintings.
FYI 38 deg C is 100.4 F
So glad you're feeling better. I have to say, seeing your May drawings has been a real treat! Take care of yourself.... nancy
Glad your feeling better! I really enjoyed viewing all your EDinM sketches. Kudos to you for finishing!!
Get well soon!
I notice those feet have cropped up again...
I'm sorry you've been unwell--glad to see the cat at the foot of the bed though, keeping you company!
Be well soon!
Glad to hear you're doing better, Jennifer. Your art certainly didn't suffer. Get well soon!
I hope you feel better. Love this sketch! Wonderful feel to it. However, judging from the picture, even if you are well, you have cold feet.
Take care---I need to see what you do as it inspires me---I love when Maine woman is on top of her ideas...I hope you get completely well----I love the sketch and shivered to think how cold my feet would be outside the covers.
Jen, are you better yet?
Uh oh--Thought of you and saw you're still not posting--I hope you're ok, Jennifer!
I got my seabag the other day and love it, and you immediately came to mind. Thanks for the tip. Be well!!
Hi Jennifer, I like to visit often to see your beautiful work. Notice you haven't posted for awhile and the last post was when you weren't well. Hope you are ok. If not, I am sending best wishes for a speedy recovery. Ambal
Hope you recover soon! I love your EDM sketches, what brand is the plastic watercolor palette in #16? like that it has 20 wells.
I see you haven't posted in a while I sure hope you are ok
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