It took a while for my mysterious Bali virus to work it's way through my system. I was finally feeling better when good friends and family came to visit from the USA. We've had a full house so we have been busy exploring beautiful Bali.
Some of us took a thee day tour with our friend Astika, a Balinese manku (priest) who knows all the ins and outs of Bali.
Sketching the local villagers when we stopped along the way.
We spent a night at a sweet hotel in the tiny seaside town Amed on the east coast of the island. These two Running Ducks, Ollie and Punky are clearly in charge. They run around the open-air dining room quacking for food, then run over to the infinity pool for a drink or a swim. Quack.
View overlooking Lake Buyan at the top of the mountains. As we climbed the steep winding roads newly harvested cloves and coffee were drying on large mats in front of all the houses. The cool dry air was thick with the wonderful smell of cloves.
I'm glad you are feeling better and had time to enjoy your visitors.
I like all of these, the character of the ducks leap out of the skethc. My favourite is the watercolour view - it took me back to when I was in Bali, the colours and everything are perfect.
Glad you've been sight-seeing and weren't any longer sick. These latest paintings are wonderful. Enjoying the tour of Bali! (I have an Indonesian co-worker who's thoroughly enjoying your images.)
Wonderful! Loved the quick sketches you did in red. The women looks so dinamic, moving. And the fast lines made it so strong! Good job!
I am glad you are feeling better and posting again! All the sketches are wonderful.
Glad you are better :)
Great sketches- I love the ducks!!
Ah, I was beginning to worry about that virus! Glad you're back and feeling better! It's good seeing your work again.
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