Monday, July 14, 2014

July Sunday in Maine

An early morning 8 mile walk with Patti, a latte, a green smoothie, 5 hours at the gallery staring at a canvas, and take out sushi. Much like the Camino, but no 20 lb pack, a green smoothie and take out sushi. I'm ignoring the canvas...
Pecha Kucha presentation on July 24 at Asylum in Portland Maine. I am presenting with 10 other people who have amazing stories to tell. I am presenting my Camino journey through my sketches.


alissaduke said...

It was wonderful to share your Camino trek through your word and sketches. The Pecha Kucka presentation would be really interesting and I am sure you will captivate the audience with your images and story. Did they approach you ?

Di said...

It was a wonderful thing that you shared your Camino sketches, thoughts and experiences with your readers. I could feel your sore feet and emotions through your writings. It would be really great to see your Pecha Kucka presentation in video form.