Day 5—The long scramble climb up the steep Barranco Wall to Karanga Camp at 12,200 ft. Foggy, misty and cold.

Day 6—Barafu Hut at 15,200 ft. We had tea at 10:30 pm and left for the summit at 11:30 that night. We reached the summit at 19,341 ft around 6 am as the sun was coming up.

Sketching the mountain in the evening at Barafu Hut. To anxious to sleep.
Day 7—After summiting we rested at Barafu Hut and then the long downhill in the rain to Mweka Camp at 10,000 ft.

Day 8—After a wet night the sun came out and dried our gear for our final hike down to the Mweka Gate and the end of our adventure. A quick sketch of the porter who choose my hat and our amazing guide and leader Richard Vitalis.
I think your sketches are so much better than photos. They are beautiful. Thank you for sharing your fantastic trip.
What an amazing adventure for you. Thanks for sharing it with us. Your paintings really capture it beautifully.
A great accomplishment and beautiful sketches that are a true joy to see :D
Great sketches! So neat to see the hike and area thru an artist's eyes.
I have so enjoyed following along with your journey, Jennifer. Your sketches are great and will hold amazing memories for you for many years to come.
What an incredible trip!!! I love your sketches of your trip---I think they are more interesting than the photos!!
hi i came for kili mt. and then i found ur sketches...it's just stunning!!! wondering how would hongkong looks like under ur hand^^greeting fr hongkong
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