I left hot humid Bali and arrived in hot humid Maine. 95° and no AC here so it has been impossible to blog or post. Today it has cooled down to the high 80's and a bit of a sea breeze off the harbor so it seems quite lovely and finally I am able to post from my travels.
From Bali to Singapore is a short 2 1/2 hour flight and then at midnight they put us on an 11 hour flight to Frankfurt where we get off with all our belongings, walk around a corner, go through security again and then re-board the same plane for a 7 hour flight to JFK. Then I still have to get to Maine. Door to door is 34+ hours...

36 hours!!!!!!! That is a long time to travel. And the sketches are amazing as always.
Glad you got home safely, wow that is a long time to be in transit. I love your sketches, especially the portraits.
I just have to say how much I have enjoyed your work...you're such a talented artist! I've been living vicariously, enjoying your travels. What a very long journey home and so happy you're safe in Maine!
As usual, fabulous things you came up with, even in the throes of agonizingly long travel, Jennifer. I fly a lot, but never that long in one trip--I don't know how you do it. I get so antsy on a long flight. Glad you are home safely! I heard about that heat up your way. It's more what we'd see here...
Wow, what a trip that was!!! Your artwork is amazing. I so admire people who do the human body well. I am challenged when it comes to drawing people. Glad you made it home okay.
Amazing work! And I like how you did the whiskers on the last one. I just finished one of Jerry Waese and I struggled with that part.
Thank you for sharing. They are sooo good.
Wonderful stuff and great way to spend all that time traveling.
Good portaits, amazing how you managed to do them so well in such a small space.
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