He is known for his signature splashy style, but some people, including his wife Judith, think it is too messy. So, today when someone mentioned it, he decided to clean it up. Even with many of us shouting not to do it, he took a cloth and started scrubbing like he was cleaning the kitchen counter.
Today I got to sit in the front row and was sitting behind Charles watching over his right shoulder. I was able to see the still life so I did this quick 5 minute study while Charles was taking a break while he let the paint dry a bit.
Above is my still life painting from the afternoon. My photograph actually cropped too much of the original painting, but it is enough to show you my attempt at another floral still life shared by three other people with a bunch of random objects on a table. I have such a hard time with these!
Having finished with time to spare, the thought of another choatic still life was too much for me to handle. Annelein was on the other side of the room so I did a contour drawing of her while she successfully painted florals all afternoon. Charles wandered by as I was starting to paint and encouraged me to leave it as it was. All week he has complimented me on my drawing skills and today he said I need to paint like I draw...hmmmmmmmm, I wonder what that means. Anyway, he suggested I let the drawing be the focus and the painting support it . Above is my attempt at that direction.

You are on fire, Jennifer! What a great and astounding variety of art-making--in one day! They're all, each, wonderful in their own way.
I'm amazed by how much you could do in a 5-minute break!!
Beautiful colors; and the painting of Annelein is just right as is--wouldn't it be wonderful to have someone over looking over your shoulder to tell to leave it alone?
When next I paint, I'll be limiting myself to 5 minutes!
This is a lovely series Jennifer...seeing all your great work done at the workshop along with that of the guru himself! Beautiful work fro m you!
Again, a super post. Thank you so much for posting these accounts of your workshop. You have certainly produced some excellent work.
your work is coming out beautiful!
Wow, amazing work - you capture this style beautifully and what an honor to be complimented by Chrales Reid himself! Whatever it means ;-)
LOVE the painting of Annalien...Gorgeous! :)
Oh, Jennifer--these are fabulous! You are a natural at watercolors, and I actually think your style is very reminiscent of Charles Reid's. He's a huge favorite of mine. I just love how loosey-goosey his work is, and it's what I'd like to learn. I really love what you're producing, and I'll be anxious to see what else you do. Annelein was there, too!!? Yikes--what a good class of talented folks!
It is SUCH fun to follow along with you at your workshop! You are learning SO much and obviously having such a great time, too! Wonder if you'll enjoy Orlando in August (*cough, cough*) in quite the same way;D?
It is a treat to read and see your workshop art. Thank you so much for sharing. I really like your 5 min sketch. WOW!
What fun it must be taking that class with C.Reid... Your paintings and quick work are just wonderful.
I've learned so much just from reading through these posts about your workshops. I love what you did during the workshop, and he's so right, your drawing skills are so good that you should definitely let them shine through in your paintings. Thanks for these posts, I am so inspired!
I always like all of your stuff but in the group, the top picture is my favorite. The flowers - the choice of all the different colors, the duck, just all of it. Nicely done.
Im taking his workshop for the first time in May. I'm so excited. Your work is beautiful and I hope I'm not nervous and can thrive as you have. Thank you so much for sharing !!!
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