Happy Birthday little blog
My blog was born a year ago on February 4, 2008. It was a cold day last winter that I finally went onto blogger and posted my first sketch after months of watching all you creative "EDMers" from afar. I wanted to celebrate by eating, drinking and sketching a cupcake and champagne, but I was still down with whatever is still ailing me. So from the couch, I managed to sketch this self portrait of my anniversary celebration complete with lots of mint tea, comfy clothes and Sophie. It's not that good, as I don't feel so good, but I wanted to recognize that "I did it". I love being part of this creative community and want to thank everyone who has visited over this past year—Terima kasih.
I love this spread---the whole design of it...and the feelings you expressed---I will be there next Sept for my first year and think it's helped me a lot, too. I wish you felt better and hope to see more of your wonderful work!
Congratulations, Jennifer! I love this spread, too--you're talented even when you're not feeling well. Cheers to you! I have really enjoyed your wonderful art and your blog. Hope you feel really well and can celebrate soon.
that was me, above. duh.t
Happy Blogday. Hope you're feeling chipper soon.
Congratulations and thank you! Love your blog. It was one of the blogs that inspired me to start.
Feel better. It took me almost three weeks to beat whatever bug I had this winter. I'm still not up to speed!
Oh Jennifer, thank YOU for joining in and Posting, Your work is so inspiring!! Hope you feel better and eat that cupcake soon! and This 'sick' sketch is Simply Super!! Can't wait to see the next year!
So sorry you don't feel well! It's tough dealing with such a climate change, I'm sure...
Sophie looks glad you're there, though...and happy anniversary anyway!
Still under the weather? This will be a nice weekend to lay low and catch up on naps, a warm bath, hot tea and lots of puppy cuddles.
Hope you are much improved by Monday. Take care and congratulations of your anniversary!
Hooray! Raising a cup of green tea to a year blogging and sharing your life and travels with folks on the other side of your monitor.
I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. Hope you are better very very soon.
This is a great spread. I have enjoyed your blog, art and writing, since you began. It is all so inspiring for me. Congrats on making the one year mark. Well done!
This is a fabulous composition! I thought it would be hard to top the Bali blog pages, but you've done it. It has been a wonderful year watching you pack, move, enjoy Bali and share it with us, and now return to the snow. I have the same bug - here's to us and feeling better.
I love this illustration. Wonderful.
You did a fabulous job.
This is great.. I LOVE it!
Happy birthday to your brother and blog. AND I hope you feel better!
Happy Blogday to you! Many happy returns.
Jen, I am sorry you are still feeling "puny" as they say here in the south. I think you may have SAD Seasonally Affected Disorder. From Bali to the tundra of Maine, could be a reason too. I hope you are feeling finer than frog's hair next time you post.
Your dog reminds me of my cats, they love to cuddle when I'm laying around (I suspect they may prefer me more sick the well LOL). This drawing really captures your mood, hope you feel better soon.
Congratulations on your first Blogday - I've enjoyed having a look around at your lively sketches. Get better soon!
WooHoo...Happy Blogiversary!!! This is a super spread...minus the fact you don't feel well..those boots of yours are sweet! What color did you use...that's some amazing granulation! Be well...
happy one year just discovered your blog today but love the work and the watercolors
It's a wonderful drawing, Jennifer! So sorry to hear you are feeling ill. I've just put my Ugg boots on in sympathy.
Congratulations and Happy Birthday, Blog!
Thank you all for coming to my blog's birthday celebration. It wasn't the wildest party, but it was an important milestone for me and my commitment to a creative life. After years of being wrapped up in my so called creative job in corporate America, it has felt good to finally use and explore the right side of my brain...even though, I'm not getting paid for it.
Now to just shake this bug...
Happy Blogday!!!! Have a nap, now.
Happy Blogiversary, Jennifer! Hard to believe that your blog is only one year old - I've enjoyed following it so much - here's to many happy returns of the day! (sound of clinking champagne glasses)
I hope you're well enough to get up off the couch soon. Take care of yourself!
How did I miss this? Happy blogging birthday, Jennifer. Here's to another year (and more) of your wonderful art!
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