As I mentioned below, I am involved in an art exchange with some very talented artists. I considered sending each of them an illustration of one of Sophie's dog toys, but I'm not sure that is what Sharon had in mind when she invited me to join this exchange. In-between making piles and remaking the piles of stuff to get packed for Bali, I wander back into my studio (I use that word loosely) and splash the watercolors around hoping to find a direction. A sure sign of spring because irises are in the stores now. I stole from the vase upstairs.
This is beautiful, Jennifer. I can never paint irises for some reason, though I try and try! I love how vibrant the colors are, and the great negative shapes too!
I think anything you do for the exchange will be grand. I have followed your blog and trips to Bali. Wonderful stuff. Any left over practice pieces would look fabulous on my studio wall. :)
I love your free flowing and colorful paintings!
This is really pretty...anyone would LOVE to get it! I love painting irises myself...
Very pretty, Jennifer. You could be onto something here. I'm sure it beats dog toys. I went out and bought striped fabric, eggplants, mushrooms, leeks etc. for a marathon painting session tomorrow. We'll see what happens. (Fingers crossed)
Forgot to say, that spot of bright pink on the petal is smashing!
Beautiful painting of the iris! I think you did a great job!
I could eat this it is so yummy!
Jennifer, this is bold and wonderful!
I enjoyed reading your description of how you made this piece. Just wandering by and splashing watercolors around! Sometimes sneaking up on a piece yields the best results. Great job!
Gorgeous, Jennifer! Send this one. :) You are one of the more talented artists out there; I was shocked to read that you have any insecurity at all about your work. It's LOVELY!
I so admire your work and as far as I am concerned I can wait till you are ready to send something. I too have been dragging my feet but today finally completed my first little painting. You've got lots going on right now with your move, so relax about the exchange for now.
Lovely irises~! What? Leaving Portland in time for spring? I shall follow.
Jennifer, this is a beautiful painting! I would love to have this on my wall. The colors are so vibrant and reminds me of spring and summer :)
Great Job!
Proceed with confidance!! Your work is wonderful! (Silly girl)
Lovely again! My Siberian irises are peeking the tiniest bit out of the soil - winter can't stay forever, can it?
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