Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Ever Day in May 2013: Day 1—Something bubbly

It has been such a long since I have done any watercolor sketches so the Every Day in May challenge seemed like the perfect opportunity to get back into it. The last time I did the EDinMay challenge was in 2011.
I absolutely love kombucha (a delicious bubbly fermented drink) but it is crazy expensive. I have started making my own. I have at 2 gallon jug fermenting on top of the refrigerator. When it is ready I bottle it, add some fresh ginger, a little lemon and pomegarnate juice and it is delicious!!!


  1. I never heard of this drink but it sure looks like fun!!

  2. I love kombucha too! I've thought of trying it make it ... maybe I will. Now you've inspired to make fermented beverages, as well to try to paint daily!

  3. Beautiful,wish I could paint like this.

  4. The watercolor splashes are a perfect hint at bubbles

  5. A much nicer alarm to wake up to than my iPhone beeping :) And a beautiful painting as well!

  6. I love kombucha and have several friends drinking it now. I too make my own.
