Thursday, July 19, 2012

Urban Sketchers Symposium—Part II

The "Mercado Merengue" workshop was taught by Melanie Reim and Nathalie Ramirez. A busy place where they sell everything from handicrafts to fruit. Noisy and frenetic with lots of traffic and people. The object was to capture people in motion. Assignments were tumbnails, quick gesture studies and mark-making and patterns.
 Quick geture drawings of a banana vendor.

Using patterns and marks to define space.

The workshop "The Decisive Moment" was taught by Veronica Lawler and Jonathan Schmidt, both accomplished reportage artists. Assigment was to walk along Calle El Conde and create quick studies and thumbnails of the lively feel of the streets of Santo Domingo.

One page of thumbnails using colored pencil and Neocolor II.


  1. Love the neocolor one. I certainly think you "get it" now.

  2. Love that banana vender - sounds like a wonderful time. I spent a long time looking at Veronica Lawler's blog. I had read about the concept of reportage, but had forgotten about it - fascinating!

  3. I love your doodles. Thanks for sharing this one to us. Keep posting please. I enjoyed watching your doodles.
