Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sampai jumpa Bali

Buah untuk dijual (fruit for sale)—On my second to last day in Bali, I walked to a pharmacy located out on the busy highway, then winding my way back home along side streets and eventually the beach path—one last time. There are tiny little markets tucked into every nook and cranny along every street. This one selling fresh fruit piled high.

The food in Indonesia is absolutely delicious, but sometimes we just want a good old American meal. When that urge hits we usually head to the Kalimantan restaurant owned by an American expat friend, Bob Kendall, who we met when we first came to Bali. He always asks for Hidden Valley Ranch dressing mix—lots of it. We stuff them into our luggage and then get slather it over our favorite Kalimantan spinach, avocado and shrimp salad on American food night. The wonderful spinach is grown on his land in Bedugal Bali with seeds from Johnny's Selected Seeds in Winslow, Maine. He claims they are the best seeds on the planet.

When we leave Bali it is always a huge send off. People who help us everyday come to say goodbye. Pascales, Maria and their two young kids, also Maria's parents visiting from Java and our dear friend Uul all gather, everyone discussing in English and Indonesian caring for the villa, taking lots of pictures and wanting to know when I will come back to Bali. "I don't know", but for now "Jangan lupa untuk memberi makan dan mancintai kucing saya" "Don't forget to feed and love my cat".  It is all very Indonesian—wonderful and chaotic. Then there are hugs and tears and off we go.

Sampai jumpa Bali.


  1. I've enjoyed your colorful stay in Bali. Can only imagine how hard it is to leave such color behind thank goodness fr sketching!

  2. I love your portraits, they have so much personality!!

  3. Wow I'm so glad I stumbled across your blog, your sketches and subjects are amazing, with so much character!

  4. No wonder you're sad to leave Bali. Your colorful stories and sketches make me sad for you. Hope you get to return soon.

  5. I have enjoyed all the Bali sketches. Love your work!

  6. Happy tears here...that last photograph simply said it all...:)

  7. I can imagine - I bet it is wonderful chaos! I haven't had time to comment, but I have greatly enjoyed all of your Bali posts, and your great art.

  8. Beautiful....Hi my name is Tiara I'm 9 years old and I'm from Indonesia. I love to paint too.....please visit my

  9. Wow. Amazing paintings! You're such an inspiration! :-)

    Love seeing Bali through your eyes...
