Saturday, May 5, 2012

Weekend in the Old Port—April 28-29

Sophie and the Pitbulls

Sophie and I live in the Old Port section of Portland Maine, a shopping/restaurant/waterfront part of town where both tourists and locals stroll, shop and enjoy good food. A lot of people have dogs. Sophie runs into the full gamut of dog breeds, many of them are Pittbulls. Some owners keep there dogs on short leashes and pull away when the little white dog comes into view, others are leashed but curious so we go wide and then there are the ones that she wants to take down. Those moments can be quite embarrassing!!!

Afternoon walk and errands. Sophie knows which shops have dog treats so she will dart in, run up to the counter and start dancing on her hind legs doing the Bichon front paw waving routine. This always scores her a treat or two and the attention of many patrons. She tends to also do this at any store with a counter and when they say they don't have treats, I have to tell them she thinks you should.

Exchange St at the heart of the Old Port is one of our routes.


  1. Lovely sketches, Jennifer, so glad you found the time. And I LOVE the adventures of Sophie!

  2. Great sketches. Cute, cute Sophie. I live about 30 minutes west of Portsmouth, NH and recognize the vicinity of some of your Portland sketches. Thanks for sharing your world.

  3. I love your take on the world! thanks so much for sharing these drawings. But my inner editor asks me to point out that it's gamut, not gambit. Our township newsletter made this same thing recently, so I guess my antennae are up!

    Nonetheless, I bow to your art talent, it's wonderful.

  4. And now I love you for your edit!

  5. Fabulous and expressive as usual. Jennifer, at what size are you working? I'm always curious about things like that...

  6. Excellent sketches! Very creative of Sophie and the pitbulls and Sophie and the feet! But I love the street scene, the looseness of it, the lines.

  7. your work is so wonderful. so much life and colour and feeling and EVERYTHING!! I love the blossoms especially.

  8. Great sketches! Teddy (my bichon) thinks Sophie and he should meet.

  9. Sophie is just adorable, Jennifer. My son said he wants a really small dog, and I have shown him your sketches of her--I said she sounds like a fun, tiny dog. Are they hard to house-train? I read somewhere they are, but they're so tiny, I also wondered if people tend to keep them inside and forget. In other words, I wondered if the house-training is really a people-problem!

  10. It sounds like such a pretty area, Jennifer. Great sketches, and Sophie is a riot here. Sweet...
