Living in Maine has given me the opportunity to spend wonderful times hiking in the spectacular White Mountains of New Hampshire. One of my favorite things to do is a long hike with friends and stay overnight at one of the AMC huts along the Appalachian Trail. Upon arrival, I usually race into the hut to secure one of the highly coveted lower bunks and then I can enjoy the rest of the day and the amazing views.

We hiked the Gale River Trail to Twin Mountain and stayed overnight at the Galehead Hut. A beautiful hike straight up a rocky trail to 4,000 ft along the Gale River. Warm early summer day at the bottom and quite cold and wintery at the top. Temperatures dipped into the 20's that night and we awakened to a dustimg of snow on the peaks.

Great sketches! Reminds me of how beautiful New England's mountains are.
Beautiful, Jennifer...both the paintings and you! sounds like it was invigorating. I'll look forward to your next foray into the mountains.
I would like to be there. The wonderful Fall colors. Thanks fpr sharing
You look great Jen! And of really like the varied line thickness of the drawing and the rocks, pebbles.
Inspiring sketches in so many ways! (After seeing them, started to plan hiking trip for Sunday...)
What a wonderful time you had in such a beautiful setting! I love the prayer flags, too. nancy
Great pictures. Sounds like you had a great time. It's too bad the flags couldn't have stayed as eventually they'd have broken down with nature. But, some people wouldn't understand the difference between these and trash that is left behind.
Hiking in the mountains is one of the things I miss most about Idaho. These sketches bring back those exciting memories for me. Wonderful sketches!
Your artwork is very charming, thanks for posting.
love the sketch !!
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