I sketched this in March when I was visiting my parents in California. We were sitting outside in the sun after going to the gym. He looks pretty good!
This was a painting I did in a Charles Reid workshop I took last year. Charles likes using black and white photos as an exercise in his classes. I just happened to have this photo of my father in my art bag. It was taken when he was a senior in high school and on the football team at "Paly High" in Palo Alto, California. Following in the footsteps of his famous father, Stanford University's first All-American football player—Jim Lawson.

What a dude! Happy Birthday and Happy Father's Day.
Your are so lucky to have attended one of Charles Reid's workshops! I have 5 of his dvd's and 3 of his books. I love to watch him paint!
Your father really seems to be an amazing person! I hope I will be that fit at 84!!! Great sketches as well, love your work! Feel like I am repeating myself here, but I really DO love your style :D Thanks for sharing!
Oh my!! The color 'photo' (your painting!!) makes your dad look so much like 'today's' Very nice!
What a Dude Indeed!!!! Awsome tribute to 84 years Young!!! I'll have to try the toothpaste facials!?
Such lovely paintings and a lovely looking dad!
Jennifer, I just love your Portrait paintings. I'mteaching myself thiswonderfulmedium and wanted to know what colors doyou use foryour flesh tones?Brushes round and with a good point would you recommend?What was it like tobe with Charles Reid? I can just imagine.Love your blog soand have really learned alot .
Thank you so,
What a lovely story about your father (and painting too).
I think that doing a colour painting from a black & white photo allows you to be much more creative with regard to colour.
What marvelous images of your handsome dad, Jennifer. He sounds like a fabulous guy--please tell him happy birthday for me and a happy father's day too! My dad turns 86 on the 8th of June. Your paintings are excellent--I really love both of them. He must be touched!
I really love the painting of your dad, the way the colors run and mix, and the lack of line. Very well done!
What wonderful sketches. Your Father is so handsome - that early photo shows him like a young Paul Newman!
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