The Pink Tulip Project was founded in 2006 by breast cancer survivor and friend, Robin Whitten. It is a fundraising project that benefits the Women's Cancer Fund at the Maine Cancer Foundation. Gardens are established to raise funds, create awareness and support those affected by breast cancer. Each garden plants seeds of hope and beautifies the community. So far, 30,000 Pink Tulips have been planted and 80 gardens bloom every spring.

You too can have a beautiful Pink Tulip garden in your town. Go to Pink Tulip Project for more information.
Your pink tulips are very pretty. I love the freeform look from the watercolors.
Your tulips are fantastic - love the loose, quality of the painting.
Wonderful pages, and wonderful idea. Sending Pink Tulip Project link along to friends where Tulips grow. thanks!
Great idea. I live in the desert so it wouldn't work but it would be wonderful to go somewhere and see one of these and now I would know what it's about. Enjoyed your painting.
Beautiful flowers and beautiful souls! What a great project! :)
Beautiful picture. The colors grab your attention.
What a fabulous project! The tulip painting is absolutely gorgeous!
Loved seeing your images of the planting, and the tulips. Am sending around to other Maine Cancer Fnd volunteers who have been part of the project. More than 80 communities have set up gardens--10 out of Maine--we plant hope! indeed
GREAT system, and what a wonderful thing to do. Adding beauty and awareness to the world is always worthwhile! Love your sketches...
I recently swam a mile to benefit a local organization that supports women living with cancer. I know too many souls who either died from or are fighting cancer. What a wonderful project! A great way to help out, be outside, and draw! I especially love the planting drawing, with the colored background and black & white foreground. As usual, I love your drawings!
What a wonderful project in deed, awareness and overall beauty and hope!! Bravo on the sketch and the projct!
Possums love pink tulips. Thank you for sharing and thank you for adding a little beauty to the world (for a good cause, too).
Oh, tulips are always my absolute favorite flowers, and i love your fresh, loose rendition of them here, Jennifer. Love the sketch of your planting, too--I am planning to put in a ton of bulbs come Thanksgiving if the weather cooperates for me. I love spring when they pop up--they're so gorgeous.
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